Tips to study at Home during the lockdown.

Tips to study at Home during the lockdown.

We are in a lockdown state and most of us are struggling with certain limitations we have. Educational facilities have been shut down in many parts of the world, and people are being vigorously urged to practice social distancing and remain indoors due to Coronavirus outbreaks in different countries. Drastic steps have been required to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Though we are facing a challenging time however we will be out of it soon.
The question that arises is how to conduct are study without losing the track. Today we would be seeing how one can develop academic skills during the lockdown period. Most of the institutes have taken their on-campus activities online as well as they are conducting webinars and online events. During these uncertain conditions, the online study has become a boon. It is very important to maintain a regime and follow it as the time shall pass and so will this pandemic. Soon our life will resume to normal and our studies will continue as usual. Let’s have a look at what things can be included in our schedule to continue with our studies normally.

It is advisable to continue with self- studies, go through the important topics and questions. One can see for online solutions and solve doubts. Form a time table and plan your online lectures schedule them, this will help you to keep track of your studies during this quarantine period. Also, ensure you have the right tools like a desktop or a laptop and you have proper internet as well. Stock up with enough stationary.

Online Courses and Webinars:
For college students, there are various Open Online Courses available. You can take advantage of it and brush up your knowledge. Such courses are a perfect way to expand one’s perspective on topics of interest or to learn new abilities. These courses will surely prove beneficial at the time of job search. It’s really not necessary you take up courses related to study courses can take up with the new hobby or learn new languages.

Keep in touch with group chats:
If your studies or work are being done online maintain a chat group with your lecturers and fellow students so that you stay updated with all the necessary details. A couple of online tools like skype and zoom are free for download and can be used to coordinate video chats with groups of people. It is a perfect way to stay in touch with other students in your class and to ensure that you retain the interactive nature of your course at university. It also helps to incorporate some social interaction so that you don’t feel alone during this time.

Good surroundings are must:
Study at home transition can be quite difficult for this long time. Few of the things can help you to get going with your studies. Select a place where you can sit and study with peace. Many might have a study table and even if there you don’t have, any surface which is comfortable is enough. Make sure you have all of the stuff you need close by so you don’t have to get up every now and then. Study at a quiet place so that you don’t get distracted. A good breezy and well-lit room would do wonders.

Breaks at regular intervals:
You would have heard this advice many times but it is the most important one even when you are studying from home. One can schedule study time and break timings accordingly by determining the most productive hours of the day. Rest or taking a break is equally important as your studies. Now when you are studying through the screen you must step away from it for sometime. You could take a short walk in your lawn or play some games. Our current situation also demands a mental equilibrium, and what can be better than using this time to reconnect with our families and spend some quality time with them.

Keep calm and organize your studies well so you don’t feel like you missed out on anything when things get back to normal. Stay at home and stay safe!